$fff |1-================================= $900 _________________________________________________________________ \ _ _ / / _ _ / \______/ \______/ ________/\______/ \______/ \_______________/_______\___/tFt \_______________/ fOr sUme rEal fRiendship mEdium sPeed sWapping .t.F.t. / .r.n.o. sKaarabrekka 11 4370 eGersund nOrway kNown gRoups oR gRaphitie guys mOst wElcome. $fff |1-================================= $900 ____ ____ .______________¡_ |____\___\__ ______| \_ ____ \_ | ________ \ | / / / | \_\ \ \__________dwb________/__|___________\ Coders, Musicians and Artists needed!!! Contact Void at: DT214 / Void 37 Hayfell Avenue Heron Hill Kendal Cumbria, LA9 7JH England, UK Don't let another scene group die!! $fff |1-================================= $900 ________________________ ________________ _______ / ______ _ ¬/ ¬\/ _ ______ ¬\/ __/ .__\__ \ ¬\_/ | _/ø | .\ | __/ _)__. |ø ¬\ \ \ _ \| | \\ . \ | .| || ./ // \ \ \ \ || :. //______/\____\ \________/_______/ ø: ._________/==IKE=========\_____/==============\_________. SUPPORT OUR PAK - DREAMS SEND TO (ALSO fOR jOINING STROBE) CARP/STROBE IKE/STROBE 107 Tintern Road 16 Sylvan Way Carshalton Sompting Surrey West Sussex SM5 1QG B15 0BT U.K. U.K. oR EmAIL: PROFILE@DCANDY.DEMON.CO.UK (BASE64 ENCODES WELCOME) $fff |1-================================= $900 _______________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | O : ____| | |____: :____| ____| : ______| ____: : O : | | : ____: | | | : : | | | | K | | | : | | : : | | | | e | | |_____|___|______|____|__|____|__________| |___| i |__________| : : rEmOtE kOnTrOl BbS . . sYsoP: CaGe · cARNAGE UKHQ & dIST sITE · : : · WORD diSkmaG Article CollecTion PoinT · . : A1200/o2o aT 33MHZ 6mB rAM/1.1 GB HD-sPACE . : USR v.34 28.8k | : · \ | / ! sUPPORTING pD and sHAREWARE oNLY oN aMIGA ! \ __ / · : \/ ! oNLINE : 24 hours... 7 dAYZ ! || : · || cALL #0: +44(o)1642 650120 (v.34) _____ _||_ : · ___: /|_II_|_ ________ ________ ________·___:____ ___ | | / _ _ | : | | | | | : /| | ||o| | . : |__: :__| O | | | | < : |o|| | | . | | | | ____| O | |____. | \| |_||_| | : | | | | _ | | : | |___| \________|__|_____| |__| |_____|__|________|________| :____\ $fff |1-================================= $900 ____ ____ ____________) /__) / ------/ /___ / / /----- --------/ (__/ __ / / / /-------- -----/__/ /_____/_____/__/-pNt-- Who do you think you are, tell me at : Rabl/Void Rietmees 96 7827 CD Emmen The Netherlands $fff |1-================================= $900 __ _ _ __ _:__\ /__:_ | | : : (÷) dIGITAl CANdY (÷) _ ____ _ ___ _ ______ _ ___ ______ _ _ ________. _ _____ .___\\\_ \_._\\\__|_._\\\ ___/__._\\\__|_| ///_._\\\__ |_\\\ /___. | / | | \__ | \_ | _/ | / | | / | | / | | | \_ | / | |___________|________|___________|________|_________|_____|_____|____/______| _ _______ _ ________. _ ______. _ ____ _ ___.__ ._\\\_ /_._\\\__ |___\\\_ |___\\\_ \_._\\\ | \_. | _/___/ | _/ | / | / | \__ | | \ | \_ |_____/ | / | | | |___________|_____|_____| /______|___________|___________|tGø 0 1 8 8 9 5 7 9 8 5 4 under new management from 6th april 97 - still the same feeling : : _|__ __|_ : /__ _ _ __\ : $fff |1-================================= $900 .-----------------------------------/-------------------------------- : ___ / I'm looking 4 contaX to trade: | __/__/_________________ /---------------------------------- : \_ ___(_ _____(__)__/ / Music Modules (XM,S3M,MOD,MED) | / \ / __)__ / \ / PC Scene warez (Demos,Magz,Dox) :/ \ \/ / // \ / Amiga & PC commercial cracks (____\ (____ /(______) // H/P/A philez + utils, info filez : \ _/ \__/ / Hardware, hacks, satellite infoz |K \//////////oF////////// URLs + PWDs + XxX Images, C, C++ src :e / VHS PAL tapes (Films,Manga,XXX) |i Carnage / Audio (Classical,Rock,Metal,Ambient) :_________________________/__________________________________________ / \ Email: keiofcarnage@geocities.com $fff |1-================================= $900 end